Channel: Nitin Das
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Tags: songmp tourismconservationnaturemadhya pradeshhindiwildernesstigerenglish subtitlesbadnhavgarhsave the tiger
Description: How to avoid being eaten by a tiger? And why tigers are important? 2 important questions answered in 1 simple song. Knowing the answer of one can save your life and knowledge of the other can save the tiger. Film credits given below: Words and Visuals: Nitin Das Music and Voice: Vipin Heero Actors: Children of Damokh village including Deepak, Jitendra, Mohit, Saurabh, Sagar, Yogesh,Shivani, Ankita, Babli, Yashoda Production head: Pushpendra Nath Dwivedi (Umaria) Created for: Last Wilderness Translated Lyrics: Always remember If there are tigers, there will be forests If there are forests, there will be water If there is water, there will be life Don’t trouble the tiger and the tiger won’t trouble you When you go out into the forests try and make some noise If you meet a tiger in the forest without shouting, without turning around, back away slowly If your cattle is attacked save yourself before trying to save the cow If you go to the fields at night take a lantern with you If you sense danger in the forest inform the Forest Department When you have to cross the forest, take a few friends along To protect your cattle build a strong shelter in your house Don’t trouble the tiger make sure there’s no fire in the forest Don’t drive the tiger away from the forests Save forests, plant trees Always remember If there are tigers, there will be forests